Project Description
MORES s.a.r.l. (Management Of Resources and Environmental Solutions) has been commissioned by the CDR to prepare an Environmental Audit (EA) for the Costa Brava sanitary landfill located in Ghadir area, Aley Caza, Mount Lebanon Governorate. The landfill is part of an emergency plan approved by the Council of Ministers (CoM) in its decision no. 1 dated 17 March 2016 following the July 2015 solid waste crisis.
Description of Provided Services
- Assessing the environmental performance of the facility;
- Collecting leachate samples and seawater samples and communication with third party laboratories for testing
- Testing noise levels and stack air emissions in partnership with parties;
- Evaluating and analyzing compliance of facility with environmental standards in relation to liquid and solid waste, water, air, energy, noise, etc.;
- Identifying and highlighting areas for improvement and betterment;
- Reviewing and updating the environmental action plan including the monitoring plan;
- Assessing preparedness for emergency situations, including equipment break-down, fire hazard, Health and Safety (H&S) issues, etc. and
- Reviewing and assessing the two bird monitoring studies prepared by experts and conducting field monitoring and observations to validate the reports and ameliorate their recommendations where possible.