EIA for Batroun Caza SWMF construction including a WtE plant and Edde valley Dump closure and rehabilitation

Project Description

Scope: EIA for the construction of a Solid Waste Management Facility (SWMF) for Batroun Caza including a Waste to Energy (WtE) plant and the closure and rehabilitation of the open dump in Edde valley.

The Union of Municipalities of Batroun Caza (UoMB) has decided to establish a SWMF in Batroun that would serve the entire Caza. The villages and towns of Batroun Caza have been collecting their own waste and mainly disposing it haphazardly in the open dump located within an area known as Edde valley.

Due to the urgent need to protect the environment and public health, the UoMB with the technical support of MORES s.a.r.l. and in various consultations with Ministry of Environment (MoE) staff, has decided to: 1) Expropriate the plots in Edde and Batroun cadastral areas that are currently being used as an open dump; 2) Construct a SWMF including sorting and composting facilities and a Waste to Energy (WtE) plant; 3) Construct a sanitary cell for landfilling of non-recyclable and currently non-reusable material; and 4) Rehabilitate the open dump (progressively through environmental closure, excavation and treatment, etc.).

Description of Provided Services

  • Conducting a geological study of the project area and of the different site alternatives considered for this project
  • Conducting several meetings on a regular basis with the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) and Ministry of Environment (MoE) to discuss the project and its progress
  • Developing an air dispersion modeling report
  • Developing mitigation and monitoring plans to be implemented during the construction and operation phases of the project
  • Conducting a public involvement meeting to present the project to the public and relevant stakeholders and solicit their input.
  • Drafting the EIA report.

Project Details

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